Rushford NanoBioMedical Instruments

more sensitive

a. Standard ELISA uses microplate photometers. Most labs have devices that cost $75,000 or more. Since we are an electrochemical measurement due to the bed of nanoparticles our reader is much less expensive. The electrochemical measurement is far less expensive than using the optometric at $500 to $1,000. 75 to 150 times or even more less costly.

b. The main incubation time for standard ELISA is in the order of 4 hours. Our time is 120 seconds. This is typical for speed improvements. This is a 120 times increase in speed leading to a total test time of under 20 minutes.

c. The lab test is definitely not portable while the RNBMI platform is portable.

d. Standard ELISA sensitivity is used as a baseline. Due to using electrochemical measurement on a bed of nanoparticles we achieve a sensitivity increase of 1000 times or more.

e. Power sources are the power mains while we simply use batteries.

f. Our platform is true point of care.

g. We use the same chemistry as standard ELISA so no new chemistry has to be developed and is currently available.

h. While standard ELISA can be multiplexed it can be a long process to set up. Our system is muliplexable and comes as purchased.

In addition our system will be fully Internet of Things compliant. We use less volume of chemistry by our method. Once the sample is placed on the card, simply insert the card into the device. The rest is fully automatic requiring no operator intervention. Operator training is extremely simple.